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Kuori is an official Google EDLA Partner and equip our own Android version with full GMS compatibility for commercial displays.
EDLA as a service by Kuori
Kuori offers consultative services related to Android and EDLA (Enterprise Devices Licensing Agreement). We call this EDLA as a Service and provide client-focused EDLA solutions.
Benefits of EDLA
- Full GMS compatibility
- Playstore & opportunity to use Google Payment Framework in apps
- Increased productivity through a large number of productivity apps
- Ensures app stability and security through Google’s recommendations
- Enables system over-the-air updates to deploy security patches and Android version upgrades
- User-friendly remote management through any commercial MDM
- Zero-touch enrolment – instant mass-installations
What is EDLA?
EDLA stands for Enterprise Devices Licensing Agreement. It is a certification by Google that gives commercial Android devices full GMS compatibility, among other things. Google offers a Partner Program for selected businesses to certify devices with EDLA.
Similar certification systems by Google have already existed for mobile Devices “MADA” (less than 17″) and for Android-TVs “TADA”.
All kinds of commercial displays have been widely using Android as An operating system, but without full GMS compatibility. EDLA offers many benefits for commercial use.